
Şubat, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

2A Right place, wrong person

Laura, 26, a nurse Last spring my best friend Isabelle and I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented a small apartment for a week with a fantastic view of the canals. At the last moment another friend, Linda, asked if she could come too. We felt sorry for her because she had problems with her boyfriend, so we said yes. Venice was magical and the weather was perfect, but the holiday was a disaster for one simple reason: Linda was so mean! She has a good job so she’s not poor, but she just didn’t want to pay for anything. When we went sightseeing she didn’t want to go to any museums or galleries that cost money. When we went on a gondola she complained that it was very expensive. When we went to have lunch or dinner she always wanted to go to cheap restaurants or she bought pizzas and ate them in the flat. But the night I invited her and Isabelle out on my birthday she chose the most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was that although Isabelle and I paid for the apartmen




                                                                                                                      HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES tatil etkinlikleri stay   in a ho tel  / at a  camp site / with friends                      take   pho tos buy   souve nirs sunbathe  on the beach have   a good time spend   mo ney / time rent   an  apart ment hire   a  bi cycle / skis book  flights / hot els  on line ❢❢ rent or hire ? rent and hire mean the same but we normally use rent for a longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or apartment ,and hire for a short time. örn you hire skis  RENT: daha uzun süre yapılanlarda kullanılıyor. örn; Daire kiralarsan.  HİRE:daha kısa süre kullanılanlarda örn;kayak kiralamak. ADJECTIVES Soruları Positive and Negative cevaplarla eşleştir.  1. What was the weatherlike? It was... 2. What was the hotel like? It was... 3. What was the town like? It was... 4. What were the people like? They were...


                           1 INTRODUCTION resimlere göre jenny ve rob un arasında geçen olayların sorularını cevapladık  what does jenny do?   she is assistant editor where did she go a few months  ago?  she went to London who is Rob walker ?  he is a writes in magazine  what did they do together ?  they had cafe  They have sights and shopping what does she think of Rob ?   what is Rob is one negative quality?  he is not punctual how long is Rob going to be in New York?  he is going to be in New York  for a month 2 CALLING RECEP TION Rob london da bir otelde sorun yaşıyor. Receptıon ile rob un konuşması RECEPTION:  Hello, reception. ROB:  Hello.This is room 613. RECEPTION:  How can I help you ? ROB: There is a problem with the air conditioning. ıt is not working, and it is very hot in my room. RECEPTION: Iam sorry, sir.I'll send somebody up to look at it right now. ROB: Thank you.   ROB un ilk sorunu odanın sıcak olması RECEPTION: Good eveni

Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy

Preposition Of Place [yer-yön belirten edatlar]   on ➨  üzerin de                           near ➨ yakının  in  ➨  içinde                                 next to  ➨ yanında              under ➨ altında                        in front of  ➨ önünde  behind ➨ arkasında               opposite ➨ karşısında   between ➨ arasında  ⇨ resme göre cümleyi tamamlıyoruz. there are two people in the room. the woman is standing onthe left  , and the man is sitting on the right . in the middle of the painting, between the man and the woman , there'   s an open window A white cat is sitting on the man  there is a carpet under the man's chair. there is a telephone on the floor behind the man's chair. next to the telephone there is a lamp. in front of the woman there is a table, and a vase with flowers  in it.