HOLİDAYS ile ilgili görsel sonucu

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES tatil etkinlikleri

stay in a hotel / at a campsite / with friends                     
take photos
buy souvenirs
sunbathe on the beach
have a good time
spend money / time
rent an apartment
hire bicycle / skis
book flights / hotels online

❢❢ rent or hire ?
rent and hire mean the same but we normally use rent for a longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or apartment ,and hire for a short time. örn you hire skis 

RENT: daha uzun süre yapılanlarda kullanılıyor. örn; Daire kiralarsan. 
HİRE:daha kısa süre kullanılanlarda örn;kayak kiralamak.


Soruları Positive and Negative cevaplarla eşleştir. 

1. What was the weatherlike? It was...
2. What was the hotel like? It was...
3. What was the town like? It was...
4. What were the people like? They were...
5. What was the food like? It was...

 + comfortable, luxurious     - basic, dirty, uncomfortable   2
 + friendly, helpful     - unfriendly, unhelpful   4
 + delicious    - nothing special, disgusting   5
 + warm, sunny    - very windy, foggy, cloudy  1           
 + beautiful, lovely    - noisy, crowded  3


The place is perfect, the weather is wonderful,
but if you are with the wrong person , a holiday can be a disaster...
Joe, 28, a flight attendant 
Last October I went on holiday to Thailand for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia. The holiday began well. We spent two days in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market and the Royal Palace. But things went wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted to stay in hostels, which were basic but clean, but Mia said they were too uncomfortable and so we stayed in quite expensive hotels. I wanted to experience the local atmosphere but Mia just wanted to go shopping. I thought I knew Mia very well, but you don’t know a person until you travel with them. It was awful! We argued about everything.
→ you don't know a person until you travel with them 

Reading & speaking
metne göre soruları cevapladık.

1. Where did he / she go on holiday? 
2. Who did he / she go with?
3. Where did he / she stay?
4. What was the weather like?
5. Why didn't he /she enjoy the holiday?


Bu blogdaki popüler yayınlar

2C One dark October evening


2B The story behind the photo