1- 44  In May 1968, I came back to Paris. It was a very exciting time. There were a lot of demonstrations. and fighting between students and the police. I wasn't really interested in politics-I wasn't a communist or an anarchist.But I loved the atmosphere. All the students were fighring for freedom, for revolution, and the French police were everywhere. On May the 15th I was with thousands of other young people.We were walking towards the Place de la Bastille. I was tired, so a friend picked me up and I sat on his shoulders. Another boy who was walking next to us was carrying a Vietnamese flag[it was the time of the Vietnam war] and he said to me Hey, could you carry the flag for me? and I said OK. There was so much happening that I didn't notice all the photographers. The next day the photo was on the cover of magazines all over the world. When my grandfather saw it, he immediately ordered me to come to his house. He was furious-really really angry. He said That is it! You are a communist! I am not going to leave you anything Not a penny! I walked out of the room and I never saw him again. Six months later he died, and I didn't get any money from him. Nothing.

yukarıdaki metni dinleyerek soruları cevapladık

1 In 1968 she .....
  a- wasn't interested in politics 👍
  b- was a communist 
  c- was an anarchist 

2 She loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for.......
  a- peace
  c- freedom 👍

3 she was sitting on a friend's shoulders.....
  a- because she was tired 👍
  b- to take photos
  c- so that she could see better 

4 she was carrying the flag because....
   a- she was a leader in the demonstration 👍
   b- somebody gave it to her
   c- she brought it with her

5 Her grandfather died six........ later.
   a- days
   b- weeks
   c- months 👍

2C Time sequencers [ zaman sıralayıcıları ]

so, because, but, or, although
👉 Time sequencers olayların oluş sırasını belirtmek için kullanılır.
👉When kelimesi dığında, diğinde, iken, ya da anlamında kullanılır.

On our fırst date we went to the cinema. After that we started meeting every day.
When I came out of the club, he was waiting for me.
The accident happened when I was crossing the road

➨ Then, after that
Birbirini takip eden olayları Than ve after that ile anlatabiliriz.
Ama sadece after ile anlatamayız.Çünkü anlamı değiştiriyor.

Connectors: because, so, but, although [Bağlaçlar]
👉 Sebep belirtmek için because kullanılır.
👉Sonuç belirtmek için so kullanılır.

👉Zıtlık belirtmek için Although ve But kullanılır.
👉Altough cümlenin başında ya da ortasına gelebilir.

She was driving fast because she was in a hurry. [reason]
she was in a hurry, so she was driving fast. [result]


Bu blogdaki popüler yayınlar

2C One dark October evening


2B The story behind the photo