c hannah ve jamie nin tanışma metnine göre boşluklara so, because, or although  getir
1- she was going very fast........ She was in a hurry.             because
2- ........ the food wasn't very good, they had a wonderful time.   although
3- He was wearing a dark coat, .......... Hannah didn't see him at first.  so

e cümleleri kendi kelimelerinize göre tamamlayın 
1- They fell in love on their first date.Two months later  broke up
2- I went to bed early last night because I was tired
3- The weather was beautiful , so we decided to go out
4- ıt was really cold that nigh, and when I woke up next morning I got sick
5- Although we didn't play well in the final ....
6- I was driving along the motorway listening to the radio.Suddenly Somebody ran across the road

2 PRONUNCIATION word stress[kelime vurgusu]

⟾ stress in two-syllable words [iki heceli kelimelerde vurgu olur]
👉İki heceli kelimelerde genelde ilk heceye vurgu olur.
👉İki heceli isim ve sıfatlarda ilk heceye vurgu yapılır.
👉iki heceli fiil ve bağlaçlarda ikinci heceye vurgu yapılır.

a cross             af ter                             
a gain               aw ful          
a long               birth day
al though          eve ning
be cause            per fect
in vite                se cond

englısh word stress ile ilgili görsel sonucu                        word stress ile ilgili görsel sonucu

3 VOCABULARY verb phrases

Hannah ve jamie nin metnine göre eşleştir.

1- invite
    have     2- along the high street somebody your [drive]
    drive         email /phone number   [give]   
    meet          a song    [play]
    give           across the road   [run]
    take           in a hurry       [be]
    wait           in a coffee bar   [meet]    
    be              for somebody    [wait]
    play           the club very late  [leave]
    leave          somebody to dinner   [invite]
    run             somebody to a restaurant  [take]
                       a wonderful time   [have]


Bu blogdaki popüler yayınlar

2C One dark October evening


2B The story behind the photo